 | "Paddy's Park" Off-Leash Dog Park | Annapolis Royal |
 | #327 Unicorn Sea Cadets | Municipality of the District Barrington |
 | *NEW* Gymnastics FUNdamentals (age 3 - 5 yrs), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | *NEW* Pop Up Skate Park and Youth Hangout, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | *NEW* Shuffleboard, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | “Coaching the Adolescent Athlete” Conference | Bridgewater |
 | 14 Wing Greenwood Recreational Hockey Club | Greenwood (Kings County) |
 | 143 Construction Engineering Flight Lunenburg County | Bridgewater |
| 1442 River Hebert District High School Army Cadet Corps | River Hebert |
 | 154 Amherst Anson Royal Canadian Air Cadets | Amherst |
 | 1859 Springfield Legion Army Cadet Corps | Springhill |
 | 1st Amherst Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
 | 1st Amherst Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
 | 1st Bible Hill Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 1st Cumberland - Kwesomalegek Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Amherst |
 | 1st Fenwick Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Fenwick |
 | 1st McCulloch Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 1st Parrsboro Cub Scouts, Is the Scouting Program back in Parrsboro? YES! | Parrsboro |
 | 1st Parrsboro Scouting Program, Your Outside Adventure Starts Here | Parrsboro |
 | 1st Port Hawkesbury Scouts (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | 1st Springhill Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 1st Springhill Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 1st Springhill Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 1st Stewiacke Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Stewiacke |
 | 1st Tatamagouche Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Tatamagouche |
 | 1st Truro Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 1st Valley Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 1st Valley Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
| 2 Bays 4-H Club | Blandford |
 | 2 Decades of Yoga, Offering alignment for your body from a depth of experience | Blockhouse |
 | 2017 55 Plus Games, 55 Plus Games | Bridgewater |
| 2018 Mountain Biking Clinic, Mountain Biking Clinic | West Hants |
| 20th Annual Literary Festival | River John |
 | 2553 Oxford Regional Army Cadet Corps | Springhill |
 | 258 Amherst Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps | Amherst |
 | 2688 Bridgewater Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps | Bridgewater |
| 272 Nova Scotia Highlanders Army Cadet Corps | Amherst |
 | 2916 Knights of Columbus Council | Amherst |
 | 2928 Royal Canadian Army Cadets | Truro |
 | 2940 Cheticamp Army Cadets | Belle Cote |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Pathfinder Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Bible Hill Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Springhill Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Springhill |
 | 2nd Truro Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 2nd Truro Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Truro |
 | 2nd Truro Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 2nd Truro Venturer Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 2nd Valley Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 2nd Valley Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Bible Hill |
 | 30 Minute Lunch Time Fitness | Bridgewater |
 | 324 Bonaventure Sea Cadets | Stewiacke |
 | 397 Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron | Trenton |
 | 3rd Bible Hill Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 3rd Truro Beaver Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 3rd Truro Cub Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 3rd Truro Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
 | 3rd Truro Venturer Scouts, Adventure Starts Here | Truro |
| 4 The Health of It Middleton, A program to help you live a healthy life | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | 45s Games And/Or Tournament, Avondale Community Hall | Avondale |
 | 45s, Cribbage, Darts, Music Jams, Windermere Community Hall | Windermere |
 | 49 Cornwallis Street, Heritage Site | Lunenburg |
| 4-H Canada - Yarmouth County | Yarmouth County |
| 4-H Club - Central Valley | Kings County (NS) |
| 4-H Club - Clarence | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Cornwallis Project | Port Williams |
| 4-H Club - Eastern Kings | Kings County (NS) |
| 4-H Club - Harmony / Nicholsville | Kings County (NS) |
 | 4-H Club - Lucky Stars | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Mountain Ridge | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Sun Valley Riders | Annapolis County |
 | 4-H Club - Western Kings | Berwick |
 | 4-H Club Port Hood Islandview | Port Hood |
 | 4H Pro Show | Nova Scotia |
 | 4th Amherst Guide Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
 | 4th Amherst Spark Unit, Everything she wants to be | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Recreation | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Recreation | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Tuesday, February 13 | Amherst |
| 4th Annual Amherst Winter Carnival, Tuesday, February 13 | Amherst |
 | 50-Plus Club, Centreville Community Hall | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | 55+ Club | Membertou |
 | 569 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets | Brookfield |
 | 596 Phoenix Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Tatamagouche |
 | 5K Superhero Dash & 1K Flash Dash | Cookville |
| 5th Bible Hill Brownie Unit, Classic Cookie Sale | Truro |
 | 5th Bible Hill Brownie Unit, Everything she wants to be | Bible Hill |
 | 689 Handley Page Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron | Parrsboro |
 | 69 Cedar Centre, For Active Health and Living | Windsor |
 | 77 Arrowhead Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Truro |
| 875 Antigonish Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Antigonish, NS |
 | 88 Truro Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps | Truro |
 | 9-BALL, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |